Capture and evolution of web requirements using WebSpec

Robles Luna, Esteban

Capture and evolution of web requirements using WebSpec - 1 archivo (587,9 KB)

Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Developing Web applications is a complex and time consuming process that involves different kind of people, ranging from customers to developers. Requirement artefacts play an important role as they are used by these people to perform their daily activities. However, state of the art in requirement management for Web applications disregards valuable features that tend to improve the development process, such as quick validation during elicitation, automatic requirement validation on the final application and useful change management support. To tackle these problems we introduce WebSpec, a requirement artefact for specifying interaction and navigation features in Web applications. We show its use through the development of an example application in the social networking area, and its implementation as an Eclipse plugin.
