C for programmers with an introduction to C11

Deitel, Paul J.

C for programmers with an introduction to C11 - 1st ed. - Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education, 2013 - xx, 457 p. : il. - Deitel Developer Series .

Incluye índice.

Preface -- 1. Introduction -- 1.1. Introduction -- 1.2. The c programming language -- 1.3. C standard library -- 1.4. C++ and other C-based languages -- 1.5. Typical c program development environment -- 1.6. Test-driving a C application in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X -- 1.7. Operating systems -- 2. Introduction to C programming -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2. A simple C program: printing a line of text -- 2.3 .Another simple C program: adding two integers -- 2.4. Arithmetic in C -- 2.5. Decision making: equality and relational operators -- 2.6. Secure C programming -- 3. Control statements: Part I -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Control structures -- 3.3. The if selection statement -- 3.4. The if…else selection statement -- 3.5. The while repetition statement -- 3.6. Class average with counter-controlled repetition -- 3.7. Class average with sentinel-controlled repetition -- 3.8. Nested control statements -- 3.9. Assignment operators -- 3.10. Increment and decrement operators -- 3.11. Secure C programming -- 4. Control statements: Part II -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Repetition essentials -- 4.3. Counter-controlled repetition -- 4.4. For repetition statement -- 4.5. For statement: notes and observations -- 4.6. Examples using the for statement -- 4.7. switch multiple-selection statement -- 4.8. do…while repetition statement -- 4.9. break and continue statements -- 4.10. Logical operators -- 4.11. Confusing equality (==) and assignment (=) operators -- 4.12. Secure C programming -- 5. Functions -- 5.1. Introduction -- 5.2. Program modules in C -- 5.3. Math library functions -- 5.4. Functions -- 5.5. Function definitions -- 5.6. Function prototypes: a deeper look -- 5.7. Function call stack and stack frames -- 5.8. Headers -- 5.9. Passing arguments by value and by reference -- 5.10. Random number generation -- 5.11. Example: a game of chance -- 5.12. Storage classes -- 5.13. Scope rules -- 5.14. Recursion -- 5.15. Example using recursion: fibonacci series -- 5.16. Recursion vs. iteration -- 5.17. Secure C programming -- 6. Arrays -- 6.1. Introduction -- 6.2. Arrays -- 6.3. Defining arrays -- 6.4. Array examples -- 6.5. Dassing arrays to functions -- 6.6. Sorting arrays -- 6.7. Case study: computing mean, median and mode using arrays -- 6.8. Searching arrays -- 6.9. Multidimensional arrays -- 6.10. Variable-length arrays -- 6.11. Secure C programming -- 7. Pointers -- 7.1. Introduction -- 7.2. Pointer variable definitions and initialization -- 7.3. Pointer operators -- 7.4. Passing arguments to functions by reference -- 7.5. Using the const qualifier with pointers -- 7.6. Bubble sort using pass-by-reference -- 7.7. sizeof operator -- 7.8. Pointer expressions and pointer arithmetic -- 7.9. Relationship between pointers and arrays -- 7.10. Arrays of pointers -- 7.11. Case study: card shuffling and dealing simulation -- 7.12. Pointers to functions -- 7.13. Secure C programming -- 8. Characters and strings -- 8.1. Introduction -- 8.2. Fundamentals of strings and characters -- 8.3. Character-handling library -- 8.4. String-conversion functions -- 8.5. Standard input/output library functions -- 8.6. String-manipulation functions of the string-handling library -- 8.7. Comparison functions of the string-handling library -- 8.8. Search functions of the string-handling library -- 8.9. Memory functions of the string-handling library -- 8.10. Other functions of the string-handling library -- 8.11. Secure C programming -- 9. Formatted input/output -- 9.1. Introduction -- 9.2. Streams -- 9.3. Formatting output with printf -- 9.4. Printing integers -- 9.5. Printing floating-point numbers -- 9.6. Printing strings and characters -- 9.7. Other conversion specifiers -- 9.8. Printing with field widths and precision -- 9.9. Using flags in the printf format control string -- 9.10. Printing literals and escape sequences -- 9.11. Reading formatted input with scanf -- 9.12. Secure C programming -- 10. Structures, unions, bit manipulation and enumerations -- 10.1. Introduction -- 10.2. Structure definitions -- 10.3. Initializing structures -- 10.4. Accessing structure members -- 10.5. Using structures with functions -- 10.6. typedef -- 10.7. Example: high-performance card shuffling and dealing simulation -- 10.8. Unions -- 10.9. Bitwise operators -- 10.10. Bit fields -- 10.11. Enumeration constants -- 10.12. Secure C programming -- 11. File processing -- 11.1. Introduction -- 11.2. Files and streams -- 11.3. Creating a sequential-access file -- 11.4. Reading data from a sequential-access file -- 11.5. Random-access files -- 11.6. Creating a random-access file -- 11.7. Writing data randomly to a random-access file -- 11.8. Reading data from a random-access file -- 11.9. Case study: transaction-processing program -- 11.10. Secure C programming -- 12. Data structures -- 12.1. Introduction -- 12.2. Self-referential structures -- 12.3. Dynamic memory allocation -- 12.4. Linked lists -- 12.5. Stacks -- 12.6. Queues -- 12.7. Trees -- 12.8. Secure C programming -- 13. Preprocessor -- 13.1. Introduction -- 13.2. #include preprocessor directive -- 13.3. #define preprocessor directive: symbolic constants -- 13.4. #define preprocessor directive: macrOS -- 13.5. Conditional compilation -- 13.6. #error and #pragma preprocessor directives -- 13.7. # and ## operators -- 13.8. Line numbers -- 13.9. Predefined symbolic constants -- 13.10. Assertions -- 13.11. Secure C programming -- 14. Other topics -- 14.1. Introduction -- 14.2. Redirecting I/O -- 14.3. Variable-length argument lists -- 14.4. Using command-line arguments -- 14.5. Notes on compiling multiple-source-file programs -- 14.6. Program termination with exit and atexit -- 14.7. Suffixes for integer and floating-point literals -- 14.8. Signal handling -- 14.9. Dynamic memory allocation: functions calloc and realloc -- 14.10. Unconditional branching with goto -- A. Operator precedence chart -- B. ASCII character set -- C. Number systems -- D. Sorting: a deeper look -- E. Additional features of the C standard -- F. Using the Visual Studio debugger -- G. Using the GNU debugger -- Index

