A two-level calculus for composing hybrid QVT transformations

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: Datos electrónicos (1 archivo: 247 KB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: The standard for model transformations QVT offers two dialects: Relations Language Operational Mappings Language. Each one of these dialects can be used in isolation, resulting in purely declarative transformations purely imperative transformation respectively; alternatively, both dialects can be combined resulting in a hybrid transformation approach. On the other hand, the availability of compositional approaches to produce complex transformations smaller units is a major concern in the area of model transformations. Compositional approaches for pure QVT transformations are supported by a number of tools; however no composition technique exists that can consistently manage the hybrid approach. Such partial techniques provide suitable answers to most practical needs; but they do not cover the entire composition spectrum. The aim of this article is to describe a technique for composing model transformations embracing both dimensions - declarative imperative - so that the hybrid approach can be smoothly supported. Additionally, we report the implementation of a software tool supporting such technique we sketch its validation.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática-UNLP (Colección BIPA / Biblioteca.) -- Disponible también en línea (Cons. 05/05/2011)

The standard for model transformations QVT offers two dialects: Relations Language Operational Mappings Language. Each one of these dialects can be used in isolation, resulting in purely declarative transformations purely imperative transformation respectively; alternatively, both dialects can be combined resulting in a hybrid transformation approach. On the other hand, the availability of compositional approaches to produce complex transformations smaller units is a major concern in the area of model transformations. Compositional approaches for pure QVT transformations are supported by a number of tools; however no composition technique exists that can consistently manage the hybrid approach. Such partial techniques provide suitable answers to most practical needs; but they do not cover the entire composition spectrum. The aim of this article is to describe a technique for composing model transformations embracing both dimensions - declarative imperative - so that the hybrid approach can be smoothly supported. Additionally, we report the implementation of a software tool supporting such technique we sketch its validation.

CLEI Electronic Journal (2010)