On the move to meaningful internet systems 2007 : OTM 2007 workshops

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Lectures notes in computer science ; 4806Publication details: Nueva York : Springer, 2007Edition: 1ra. edDescription: 2 Parts, xxxiv, 1369p. ; 24 cm. + 1 CD-ROMISBN:
  • 9783540768876
- A Deterministic Database Replication Protocol Where Multicast Writesets Never Get Aborted /J.R. Juárez-Rodríguez, J.E. Armendáriz-Iñigo, F.D. Muñoz-Escoí, -- J.R. González de Mendívil, and J.R. Garitagoitia. -- - AWSM: Infrastructure for Adaptive Web Service Migration /Holger Schmidt, Rüdiger Kapitza, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans P. Reiser. -- - Generic Proxies—Supporting Data Integration Inside the Database /Andrei Vancea, Michael Grossniklaus, and Moira C. Norrie. -- - Collaborative Data Synchronization in an Instance-Mapped P2P Data Sharing System /Md Mehedi Masud and Iluju Kiringa. -- - Translating XPath Queries into SPARQL Queries /Matthias Droop, Markus Flarer, Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, Volker Linnemann, Jakob Pinggera, Florian Santner, Michael Schier, Felix Sch ̈pf, Hannes Staffler, and Stefan Zugal. -- - Validating a Tool for Evaluating Automatically Lexical Triples Mined from Texts /Peter Spyns. -- - Semi-automatic Semantic Enrichment of Raw Sensor Data /Nicolas Legeay, Mark Roantree, Gareth J.F. Jones, Noel E. O’Connor, and Alan F. Smeaton. -- - Ontology modelling for Ambient Intelligent Home Environments /Jarmo Kalaoja, Julia Kantorovitch, Ioanna Roussaki, Dimitrios Tsesmetzis, and Ioannis Papaioannou. -- - Implementing OCL as a Database Query Language /Piotr Habela, Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Krzysztof Stencel, and Kazimierz Subieta. -- - Improving Scalability in Pub-Sub Knowledge-Based Networking by Semantic Clustering /John Keeney, Dominic Jones, Dominik Roblek, David Lewis, and Declan O’Sullivan. -- - A Model for Fuzzy Multidimensional Spaces /Claudia González, Raimundo Mirisola, Leonid Tineo, and Angélica Urrutia. -- - Capturing Ontology Evolution Processes by Repeated Sampling of Large Document Collections /Albert Weichselbraun, Arno Scharl, Wei Liu, and Gerhard Wohlgenannt. -- - Information Systems Development: A Trust Ontology /Kamaljit Kaur Bimrah, Haralambos Mouratidis, and David Preston. -- - Automatic Annotation in Data Integration Systems /Sonia Bergamaschi, Laura Po, and Serena Sorrentino. -- - Volunteer Computing, an Interesting Option for Grid Computing: Extremadura as Case Study /Miguel Cárdenas Montes, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez, Carlos J. García Orellana, Manuel Rubio del Solar, Juan A. Gómez-Pulido, Horacio González Velasco, Antonio Gómez Iglesias, Juan M. Sánchez-P érez, and Miguel Macías Macías. -- - Replication Heuristics for Efficient Workflow Execution on Grids /J.L. Vázquez-Poletti, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, and I.M. Llorente. -- - Network-Aware Grid Scheduling /Agustín Caminero, Blanca Caminero, and Carmen Carrión. -- - Implementing a P2P Network through Updatable Database Views /Radoslaw Adamus, Hanna Kozankiewicz, Krzysztof Stencel, and Kazimierz Subieta. -- - A Group Selection Pattern Optimizing Job Scheduling in Decentralized Grid Markets /Isaac Chao, Oscar Ardaiz, and Ramon Sangüesa. -- - A Conceptual Model for Grid Learning Services Automatic Composition /Gustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón, Thanasis Daradoumis, and Josep Jorba. - A Multi-party Rational Exchange Protocol /Almudena Alcaide, Juan M. Estevez-Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez-Castro, and Arturo Ribagorda. -- - A Texture Based Image Signature Using Second Order Statistics Characterisation /A. Samia Boucherkha and Mohamed Benmohamed. -- - Expert System for Business Decisions on Security Requirements /Eriks Dobelis. - AWeSOMe 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message. -- - DyMRA: Dynamic Market Deployment for Decentralized Resource Allocation /Daniel Lázaro, Xavier Vilajosana, and Joan Manuel Marques. -- - An Agents-Based Cooperative Awareness Model to Cover Load Balancing Delivery in Grid Environments /Pilar Herrero, José Luis Bosque, and María S. Pérez. -- - TV Navigation Agent for Measuring Semantic Similarity Between Programs /Yumiko Mizoguchi-Shimogori, Toshiaki Nakamoto, Kazuma Asakawa, Shinichi Nagano, Masumi Inaba, and Takahiro Kawamura. -- - Engineering an MAS Platform for Semantic Service Integration Based on the SWSA /Ozgür Gümüs, Onder Gürcan, Geylani Kardas, Erdem Eser Ekinci, and Oguz Dikenelli. -- - A Planner Infrastructure for Semantic Web Enabled Agents /Erdem Eser Ekinci, Ali Murat Tiryaki, Önder Gürcan, and Oguz Dikenelli. -- - From a Goal-Oriented Methodology to a BDI Agent Language: The Case of Tropos and Alan /Francesco Pagliarecci, Loris Penserini, and Luca Spalazzi. -- - A Human-Like SOA-Based Interdisciplinary Framework for Intelligent Virtual Agents /Mauricio Paletta and Pilar Herrero. -- - Semantically Resolving Type Mismatches in Scientific Workflows /Kheiredine Derouiche and Denis A. Nicole. -- - A Group Selection Pattern for Agent-Based Virtual Organizations Coordination in Grids /Isaac Chao, Oscar Ardaiz, and Ramon Sangüesa. -- - Web Services System for Distributed Technology Upgrade Within an e-Maintenance Framework /Eduardo Gilabert, Susana Ferreiro, and Aitor Arnaiz. -- - WSBL: Web Service Architecture for Financial Products /Marcos Aza Hidalgo and Jose Luis Bosque Orero. -- - Workflow Management in Grid Era: From Process-Driven Paradigm to a Goal-Driven One /Jinlei Jiang, Shaohua Zhang, Johann Schlichter, and Guangwen Yang. -- - BPEL for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS) /Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova, and Frank Leymann. -- - CAMS 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message . -- - Context-Awareness in the Wild: An Investigation into the Existing Uses of Context in Everyday Life /Jason Pascoe, Kirsten Thomson, and Helena Rodrigues. -- - ‘Guess A Who, Why, Where, When?’: The Visualization of Context Data to Aid the Authoring and Orchestration of a Mobile Pervasive Game /Michael Wright, Alan Chamberlain, Chris Greenhalgh, Steve Benford, Nick Tandavanitj, Amanda Oldroyd, and Jon Sutton. -- - Browsing Semantics in Context-Aware Mobile Hypermedia /Cecilia Challiol, Agustin Muñoz, Gustavo Rossi, Silvia E. Gordillo, Andrés Fortier, and Robert Laurini. -- - Context, Data and Queries /Annika Hinze, George Buchanan, Andrea Schweer, and Matt Jones. -- - Issues in Location-based Indexing for Co-operating Mobile Information Systems /Wendy Osborn and Annika Hinze. -- - A Peer-to-Peer based Infrastructure for Context Distribution in Mobile and Ubiquitous Environments /Xiaoming Hu, Yun Ding, Nearchos Paspallis, George A. Papadopoulos, Pyrros Bratskas, Paolo Barone, Alessandro Mamelli, Yves Vanrompay and Yolande Berbers. -- - The 2007 Academy Doctoral Consortium PC Co-chairs’ Message . -- - Elaborating a Decentralized Market Information System /René Brunner and Felix Freitag. -- - COPA-CASE: Methodological Environment for the Generation, Application and Validation of Coordination Patterns /P.L. Pérez-Serrano and M. Sánchez-Alonso. -- - Providing Support for Data Replication Protocols with Multiple Isolation Levels /J.M.. Bernabé-Gisbert. -- - Market Driven Product Ontologies /Davor Meersman. -- - Smart Distribution of Bio-signal Processing Tasks in M-Health /Hailiang Mei. -- - Towards a Service-Oriented Methodology: Business-Driven Guidelines for Service Identification /Dieter Van Nuffel. -- - Collaborative Management of Distributed Business Processes - A Service-Based Approach /Sonja Zaplata. -- - Semantic Web Service Offer Discovery /Jacek Kopecký. -- - Top-Down Modeling Methodology for Model-Driven SOA Construction /Jan Ricken. -- - MONET 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message . - Social Knowledge Building in a Mobile Learning Environment /Manuel Gentile, Davide Taibi, Luciano Seta, Marco Arrigo, Giovanni Fulantelli, Onofrio Di Giuseppe, and Gaspare Novara. -- - Improving Collaboration and Interaction in Distributed B-learning Environment /Nidia Moncallo R., Pilar Herrero, and Luis Joyanes. - Re-experiencing History in Archaeological Parks by Playing a Mobile Augmented Reality Game /Carmelo Ardito, Paolo Buono, Maria Francesca Costabile, Rosa Lanzilotti, and Thomas Pederson. -- - A Hybrid Grammar-Based Approach to Multimodal Languages Specification /Arianna D’Ulizia, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni. - Enabling Rapid Development of Multimodal Data Entry Applications /Irina Kondratova and Scott Durling. -- - An Approach for Managing Ambiguities in Multimodal Interaction /Maria Chiara Caschera, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni. -- - Supporting Social Networks by Event-Driven Mobile Notification Services /Adam Wojciechowski. -- - Realising Context-Sensitive Mobile Messaging /Jill Freyne, Emil Varga, Daragh Byrne, Alan F. Smeaton, Barry Smyth, and Gareth J.F. Jones. -- - The Mobile Interfaces for Geo-hypermedia Databases /Yiwei Cao, Ralf Klamma, Satish Srirama, and Kaifei Wang. -- - Personalized Information Access in a Wiki Using Structured Tagging /Anmol V. Singh, Andreas Wombacher, and Karl Aberer. -- - A Collection-Oriented Framework for Social Applications /Alexandre de Spindler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Moira C. Norrie. -- - A Virtual Shopper Customer Assistant in Pervasive Environments /Antonella Santangelo, Agnese
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Libro Libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática A.0.2 OTM07 Par.2 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available DIF-04162
Libro Libro Biblioteca de la Facultad de Informática A.0.2 OTM07 Par.1 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available DIF-04164

ISSN: 0302-9743

- A Deterministic Database Replication Protocol Where Multicast Writesets Never Get Aborted /J.R. Juárez-Rodríguez, J.E. Armendáriz-Iñigo, F.D. Muñoz-Escoí, -- J.R. González de Mendívil, and J.R. Garitagoitia. -- - AWSM: Infrastructure for Adaptive Web Service Migration /Holger Schmidt, Rüdiger Kapitza, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans P. Reiser. -- - Generic Proxies—Supporting Data Integration Inside the Database /Andrei Vancea, Michael Grossniklaus, and Moira C. Norrie. -- - Collaborative Data Synchronization in an Instance-Mapped P2P Data Sharing System /Md Mehedi Masud and Iluju Kiringa. -- - Translating XPath Queries into SPARQL Queries /Matthias Droop, Markus Flarer, Jinghua Groppe, Sven Groppe, Volker Linnemann, Jakob Pinggera, Florian Santner, Michael Schier, Felix Sch ̈pf, Hannes Staffler, and Stefan Zugal. -- - Validating a Tool for Evaluating Automatically Lexical Triples Mined from Texts /Peter Spyns. -- - Semi-automatic Semantic Enrichment of Raw Sensor Data /Nicolas Legeay, Mark Roantree, Gareth J.F. Jones, Noel E. O’Connor, and Alan F. Smeaton. -- - Ontology modelling for Ambient Intelligent Home Environments /Jarmo Kalaoja, Julia Kantorovitch, Ioanna Roussaki, Dimitrios Tsesmetzis, and Ioannis Papaioannou. -- - Implementing OCL as a Database Query Language /Piotr Habela, Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Krzysztof Stencel, and Kazimierz Subieta. -- - Improving Scalability in Pub-Sub Knowledge-Based Networking by Semantic Clustering /John Keeney, Dominic Jones, Dominik Roblek, David Lewis, and Declan O’Sullivan. -- - A Model for Fuzzy Multidimensional Spaces /Claudia González, Raimundo Mirisola, Leonid Tineo, and Angélica Urrutia. -- - Capturing Ontology Evolution Processes by Repeated Sampling of Large Document Collections /Albert Weichselbraun, Arno Scharl, Wei Liu, and Gerhard Wohlgenannt. -- - Information Systems Development: A Trust Ontology /Kamaljit Kaur Bimrah, Haralambos Mouratidis, and David Preston. -- - Automatic Annotation in Data Integration Systems /Sonia Bergamaschi, Laura Po, and Serena Sorrentino. -- - Volunteer Computing, an Interesting Option for Grid Computing: Extremadura as Case Study /Miguel Cárdenas Montes, Miguel A. Vega-Rodríguez, Carlos J. García Orellana, Manuel Rubio del Solar, Juan A. Gómez-Pulido, Horacio González Velasco, Antonio Gómez Iglesias, Juan M. Sánchez-P érez, and Miguel Macías Macías. -- - Replication Heuristics for Efficient Workflow Execution on Grids /J.L. Vázquez-Poletti, E. Huedo, R.S. Montero, and I.M. Llorente. -- - Network-Aware Grid Scheduling /Agustín Caminero, Blanca Caminero, and Carmen Carrión. -- - Implementing a P2P Network through Updatable Database Views /Radoslaw Adamus, Hanna Kozankiewicz, Krzysztof Stencel, and Kazimierz Subieta. -- - A Group Selection Pattern Optimizing Job Scheduling in Decentralized Grid Markets /Isaac Chao, Oscar Ardaiz, and Ramon Sangüesa. -- - A Conceptual Model for Grid Learning Services Automatic Composition /Gustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón, Thanasis Daradoumis, and Josep Jorba. - A Multi-party Rational Exchange Protocol /Almudena Alcaide, Juan M. Estevez-Tapiador, Julio C. Hernandez-Castro, and Arturo Ribagorda. -- - A Texture Based Image Signature Using Second Order Statistics Characterisation /A. Samia Boucherkha and Mohamed Benmohamed. -- - Expert System for Business Decisions on Security Requirements /Eriks Dobelis. - AWeSOMe 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message. -- - DyMRA: Dynamic Market Deployment for Decentralized Resource Allocation /Daniel Lázaro, Xavier Vilajosana, and Joan Manuel Marques. -- - An Agents-Based Cooperative Awareness Model to Cover Load Balancing Delivery in Grid Environments /Pilar Herrero, José Luis Bosque, and María S. Pérez. -- - TV Navigation Agent for Measuring Semantic Similarity Between Programs /Yumiko Mizoguchi-Shimogori, Toshiaki Nakamoto, Kazuma Asakawa, Shinichi Nagano, Masumi Inaba, and Takahiro Kawamura. -- - Engineering an MAS Platform for Semantic Service Integration Based on the SWSA /Ozgür Gümüs, Onder Gürcan, Geylani Kardas, Erdem Eser Ekinci, and Oguz Dikenelli. -- - A Planner Infrastructure for Semantic Web Enabled Agents /Erdem Eser Ekinci, Ali Murat Tiryaki, Önder Gürcan, and Oguz Dikenelli. -- - From a Goal-Oriented Methodology to a BDI Agent Language: The Case of Tropos and Alan /Francesco Pagliarecci, Loris Penserini, and Luca Spalazzi. -- - A Human-Like SOA-Based Interdisciplinary Framework for Intelligent Virtual Agents /Mauricio Paletta and Pilar Herrero. -- - Semantically Resolving Type Mismatches in Scientific Workflows /Kheiredine Derouiche and Denis A. Nicole. -- - A Group Selection Pattern for Agent-Based Virtual Organizations Coordination in Grids /Isaac Chao, Oscar Ardaiz, and Ramon Sangüesa. -- - Web Services System for Distributed Technology Upgrade Within an e-Maintenance Framework /Eduardo Gilabert, Susana Ferreiro, and Aitor Arnaiz. -- - WSBL: Web Service Architecture for Financial Products /Marcos Aza Hidalgo and Jose Luis Bosque Orero. -- - Workflow Management in Grid Era: From Process-Driven Paradigm to a Goal-Driven One /Jinlei Jiang, Shaohua Zhang, Johann Schlichter, and Guangwen Yang. -- - BPEL for Semantic Web Services (BPEL4SWS) /Jörg Nitzsche, Tammo van Lessen, Dimka Karastoyanova, and Frank Leymann. -- - CAMS 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message . -- - Context-Awareness in the Wild: An Investigation into the Existing Uses of Context in Everyday Life /Jason Pascoe, Kirsten Thomson, and Helena Rodrigues. -- - ‘Guess A Who, Why, Where, When?’: The Visualization of Context Data to Aid the Authoring and Orchestration of a Mobile Pervasive Game /Michael Wright, Alan Chamberlain, Chris Greenhalgh, Steve Benford, Nick Tandavanitj, Amanda Oldroyd, and Jon Sutton. -- - Browsing Semantics in Context-Aware Mobile Hypermedia /Cecilia Challiol, Agustin Muñoz, Gustavo Rossi, Silvia E. Gordillo, Andrés Fortier, and Robert Laurini. -- - Context, Data and Queries /Annika Hinze, George Buchanan, Andrea Schweer, and Matt Jones. -- - Issues in Location-based Indexing for Co-operating Mobile Information Systems /Wendy Osborn and Annika Hinze. -- - A Peer-to-Peer based Infrastructure for Context Distribution in Mobile and Ubiquitous Environments /Xiaoming Hu, Yun Ding, Nearchos Paspallis, George A. Papadopoulos, Pyrros Bratskas, Paolo Barone, Alessandro Mamelli, Yves Vanrompay and Yolande Berbers. -- - The 2007 Academy Doctoral Consortium PC Co-chairs’ Message . -- - Elaborating a Decentralized Market Information System /René Brunner and Felix Freitag. -- - COPA-CASE: Methodological Environment for the Generation, Application and Validation of Coordination Patterns /P.L. Pérez-Serrano and M. Sánchez-Alonso. -- - Providing Support for Data Replication Protocols with Multiple Isolation Levels /J.M.. Bernabé-Gisbert. -- - Market Driven Product Ontologies /Davor Meersman. -- - Smart Distribution of Bio-signal Processing Tasks in M-Health /Hailiang Mei. -- - Towards a Service-Oriented Methodology: Business-Driven Guidelines for Service Identification /Dieter Van Nuffel. -- - Collaborative Management of Distributed Business Processes - A Service-Based Approach /Sonja Zaplata. -- - Semantic Web Service Offer Discovery /Jacek Kopecký. -- - Top-Down Modeling Methodology for Model-Driven SOA Construction /Jan Ricken. -- - MONET 2007 PC Co-chairs’ Message . - Social Knowledge Building in a Mobile Learning Environment /Manuel Gentile, Davide Taibi, Luciano Seta, Marco Arrigo, Giovanni Fulantelli, Onofrio Di Giuseppe, and Gaspare Novara. -- - Improving Collaboration and Interaction in Distributed B-learning Environment /Nidia Moncallo R., Pilar Herrero, and Luis Joyanes. - Re-experiencing History in Archaeological Parks by Playing a Mobile Augmented Reality Game /Carmelo Ardito, Paolo Buono, Maria Francesca Costabile, Rosa Lanzilotti, and Thomas Pederson. -- - A Hybrid Grammar-Based Approach to Multimodal Languages Specification /Arianna D’Ulizia, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni. - Enabling Rapid Development of Multimodal Data Entry Applications /Irina Kondratova and Scott Durling. -- - An Approach for Managing Ambiguities in Multimodal Interaction /Maria Chiara Caschera, Fernando Ferri, and Patrizia Grifoni. -- - Supporting Social Networks by Event-Driven Mobile Notification Services /Adam Wojciechowski. -- - Realising Context-Sensitive Mobile Messaging /Jill Freyne, Emil Varga, Daragh Byrne, Alan F. Smeaton, Barry Smyth, and Gareth J.F. Jones. -- - The Mobile Interfaces for Geo-hypermedia Databases /Yiwei Cao, Ralf Klamma, Satish Srirama, and Kaifei Wang. -- - Personalized Information Access in a Wiki Using Structured Tagging /Anmol V. Singh, Andreas Wombacher, and Karl Aberer. -- - A Collection-Oriented Framework for Social Applications /Alexandre de Spindler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Moira C. Norrie. -- - A Virtual Shopper Customer Assistant in Pervasive Environments /Antonella Santangelo, Agnese