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ECOOP ’92, European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming : Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 29-July 3, 1992 : proceedings

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Lecture notes in computer science ; 61Publication details: Berlín : Springer-Verlag, c1992Edition: 1st edDescription: x, 426 p. : il. ; 25 cmISBN:
  • 3540556680
On Unifying Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems / -- Invited paper, Won Kim (UniSQL, Austin Texas) -- Import Is not Inheritance - Why We Need Both: Modules and Classes / -- Clemens A. Szyperski (ETH Ziirich) -- Object-Oriented Multi-Methods in Cecil / -- Craig Chambers (University of Washington, Seattle) -- Aggregation in a Behaviour Oriented Object Model/ -- Thorslen Harlmann, Ralf Jungclaus, Gunter Saake -- (Technische Universit~t Braunschweig) -- Reasoning and Refinement in Object-Oriented Specification Languages / -- K. Lano (Oxford University), H. Haughton (Lloyds Register of Shipping, Croydon) -- Combining Object-Oriented and Logic Paradigms: A Modal Logic Programming Approach / -- Tarmo Uuslalu (Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn) -- An Incremental Class Reorganization Approach / -- Eduardo Casais (Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe) -- System Design by Composing Structures of Interacting Objects / -- Egil P. Andersen and Trygve Reenskaug (University of Oslo) -- Unifying the Design and Implementation of User Interfaces Through the Object Paradigm / -- Vgronique Normand (BulI-IMAG Systdmes, Gidres), Joglle Coutaz (Laboratoire de Gdnie Informatique, Grenoble) -- Nesting Actions Through Asynchronous Message Passing: The ACS Protocol / -- Rachid Guerraoui, Riccardo Capobianchi, Agnes Lanusse, Pierre Roux (CE Saclay DEIN/SIR, Gif sur Yvette) -- Inheritance of Synchronization Constraints in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages / -- Svend Fr~lund (University of Illinois, Urbana) -- EPEE: an Eiffel Environment to Program Distributed Memory Parallel Computers / -- J.M. Jdzdquel (IRISA, Rennes) -- Using Object-Oriented Programming Techniques for Implementing ISDN Supplementary Services / -- Bent Gabelgaard (Dansk MobilTelefon, Aalborg) -- An Object Model for Engineering Design / -- G.T. Nguyen, D. Rieu, J. EscamiUa (IRIMAG, Grenoble) -- An Object-Oriented Class Library for Scalable Parallel Heuristic Search / -- Wing-cheong Lau (University of Texas, Austin),Vineet Singh (Hewlelt-PackardLabs, Palo Alto) -- Integrating Constraints with an Object-Oriented Language / -- Bjoru N. Freeman-Benson (University of Victoria), Alan Borning (University of Washington) -- Specifying Reusable Components Using Contracts / -- Ian M. Holland (Northeastern University, Boston) -- ACTS: A Type System for Object-Oriented Programming Based on Abstract and Concrete Classes / -- Mahesh Dodani, Chung-Shin Tsai (University of Iowa) -- Making Type Inference Practical / -- Nicholas Oxhcj, Jens Palsberg, Michael L Schwartzbach (Aarhus University) -- A Reflective Model of Inheritance / -- Suresh Jagannathan (NEC Research Institute, Princeton), -- Gul Agha (University of Illinois, Urbana) -- An Object-Oriented Language-Database Integration Model: The Composition-Filters Approach / -- Mehmet Ak~it, Lodewijk Bergmans, Sinan Vural (University of Twente) -- Supporting Physical Independence in an Object Database Server / -- Nicola Aloia (CNUCE-CNR, Pisa), Svetlana Barneva, Fausto Rabitti (IEI-CNR, Pisa) -- Developing a Class Hierarchy for Object-Oriented Transaction Processing / -- Daniel L. McCue (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
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Incluye referencias bibliográfica

On Unifying Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems / -- Invited paper, Won Kim (UniSQL, Austin Texas) -- Import Is not Inheritance - Why We Need Both: Modules and Classes / -- Clemens A. Szyperski (ETH Ziirich) -- Object-Oriented Multi-Methods in Cecil / -- Craig Chambers (University of Washington, Seattle) -- Aggregation in a Behaviour Oriented Object Model/ -- Thorslen Harlmann, Ralf Jungclaus, Gunter Saake -- (Technische Universit~t Braunschweig) -- Reasoning and Refinement in Object-Oriented Specification Languages / -- K. Lano (Oxford University), H. Haughton (Lloyds Register of Shipping, Croydon) -- Combining Object-Oriented and Logic Paradigms: A Modal Logic Programming Approach / -- Tarmo Uuslalu (Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn) -- An Incremental Class Reorganization Approach / -- Eduardo Casais (Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe) -- System Design by Composing Structures of Interacting Objects / -- Egil P. Andersen and Trygve Reenskaug (University of Oslo) -- Unifying the Design and Implementation of User Interfaces Through the Object Paradigm / -- Vgronique Normand (BulI-IMAG Systdmes, Gidres), Joglle Coutaz (Laboratoire de Gdnie Informatique, Grenoble) -- Nesting Actions Through Asynchronous Message Passing: The ACS Protocol / -- Rachid Guerraoui, Riccardo Capobianchi, Agnes Lanusse, Pierre Roux (CE Saclay DEIN/SIR, Gif sur Yvette) -- Inheritance of Synchronization Constraints in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages / -- Svend Fr~lund (University of Illinois, Urbana) -- EPEE: an Eiffel Environment to Program Distributed Memory Parallel Computers / -- J.M. Jdzdquel (IRISA, Rennes) -- Using Object-Oriented Programming Techniques for Implementing ISDN Supplementary Services / -- Bent Gabelgaard (Dansk MobilTelefon, Aalborg) -- An Object Model for Engineering Design / -- G.T. Nguyen, D. Rieu, J. EscamiUa (IRIMAG, Grenoble) -- An Object-Oriented Class Library for Scalable Parallel Heuristic Search / -- Wing-cheong Lau (University of Texas, Austin),Vineet Singh (Hewlelt-PackardLabs, Palo Alto) -- Integrating Constraints with an Object-Oriented Language / -- Bjoru N. Freeman-Benson (University of Victoria), Alan Borning (University of Washington) -- Specifying Reusable Components Using Contracts / -- Ian M. Holland (Northeastern University, Boston) -- ACTS: A Type System for Object-Oriented Programming Based on Abstract and Concrete Classes / -- Mahesh Dodani, Chung-Shin Tsai (University of Iowa) -- Making Type Inference Practical / -- Nicholas Oxhcj, Jens Palsberg, Michael L Schwartzbach (Aarhus University) -- A Reflective Model of Inheritance / -- Suresh Jagannathan (NEC Research Institute, Princeton), -- Gul Agha (University of Illinois, Urbana) -- An Object-Oriented Language-Database Integration Model: The Composition-Filters Approach / -- Mehmet Ak~it, Lodewijk Bergmans, Sinan Vural (University of Twente) -- Supporting Physical Independence in an Object Database Server / -- Nicola Aloia (CNUCE-CNR, Pisa), Svetlana Barneva, Fausto Rabitti (IEI-CNR, Pisa) -- Developing a Class Hierarchy for Object-Oriented Transaction Processing / -- Daniel L. McCue (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)

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