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Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. : Technologies for Mastering Change, Part 1

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Lecture notes in computer science ; 6285Publication details: Berlín : Springer, 2012Edition: 1st. edDescription: xvi, 617 p. : ilISBN:
  • 9783642340253
Adaptable and Evolving Software for Eternal -- Systems (Track Summary). Reiner Hähnle and Ina Schaefer -- Challenges in Defining a Programming Language for Provably Correct -- Dynamic Analyses. Eric Bodden, Andreas Follner, and Siegfried Rasthofer -- Eternal Embedded Software: Towards Innovation Experiment -- Systems. Jan Bosch and Ulrik Eklund -- A Liskov Principle for Delta-Oriented Programming. Reiner Hähnle and Ina Schaefer -- Scientific Workflows: Eternal Components, Changing Interfaces, -- Varying Compositions. Anna-Lena Lamprecht and Tiziana Margaria -- An Object Group-Based Component Model. Michaël Lienhardt, Mario Bravetti, and Davide Sangiorgi -- Automated Inference of Models for Black Box Systems Based on -- Interface Descriptions. Maik Merten, Falk Howar, Bernhard Steffen, -- Patrizio Pellicione, and Massimo Tivoli -- Model-Based Compatibility Checking of System Modifications. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, Christoph Feller, Ilham W. Kurnia, and -- Yannick Welsch -- A Generic Platform for Model-Based Regression Testing. Philipp Zech, Michael Felderer, Philipp Kalb, and Ruth Breu -- Approaches for Mastering Change. Ina Schaefer, Malte Lochau, and Martin Leucker -- A Formal Approach to Software Product Families. Martin Leucker and Daniel Thoma -- A Compositional Framework to Derive Product Line Behavioural -- Descriptions. Patrizia Asirelli, Maurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, and -- Stefania Gnesi -- Delta-Oriented Monitor Specification. Eric Bodden, Kevin Falzon, Ka I. Pun, and Volker Stolz -- Conflict Detection in Delta-Oriented Programming. Michaël Lienhardt and Dave Clarke -- Family-Based Analysis of Type Safety for Delta-Oriented Software -- Product Lines. Ferruccio Damiani and Ina Schaefer -- A Vision for Behavioural Model-Driven Validation of Software Product -- Lines. Xavier Devroey, Maxime Cordy, Gilles Perrouin, -- Eun-Young Kang, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, -- Axel Legay, and Benoit Baudry -- Parameterized Preorder Relations for Model-Based Testing of Software -- Product Lines. Malte Lochau and Jochen Kamischke -- SmartTies – Management of Safety-Critical Developments. Serge Autexier, Dominik Dietrich, Dieter Hutter, -- Christoph Lüth, and Christian Maeder -- Tracking Behavioral Constraints during Object-Oriented Software -- Evolution. Johan Dovland, Einar Broch Johnsen, and Ingrid Chieh Yu -- Towards the Verification of Adaptable Processes. Mario Bravetti, Cinzia Di Giusto, Jorge A. P´erez, and -- Gianluigi Zavattaro -- Runtime Verification: The Application Perspective. Yliés Falcone and Lenore D. Zuck -- What Does AI Have to Do with RV? (Extended Abstract). Klaus Havelund -- A Case for "Piggyback" Runtime Monitoring. Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Tremblay-Lessard -- A Unified Approach for Static and Runtime Verification: Framework -- and Applications. Wolfgang Ahrendt, Gordon J. Pace, and Gerardo Schneider -- Statistical Model Checking QoS Properties of Systems with SBIP. Saddek Bensalem, Marius Bozga, Benoit Delahaye, Cyrille Jegourel, -- Axel Legay, and Ayoub Nouri -- Monitoring Temporal Information Flow. Rayna Dimitrova, Bernd Finkbeiner, and Markus N. Rabe -- Dynamic Information-Flow Analysis for Multi-threaded Applications. Laurent Mounier and Emmanuel Sifakis -- Bounded-Interference Sequentialization for Testing Concurrent Programs. Niloofar Razavi, Azadeh Farzan, and Andreas Holzer -- Runtime Verification of Biological Systems. Alexandre David, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Axel Legay, -- Marius Mikuˇcionis, Danny Bøgsted Poulsen, and Sean Sedwards -- Behavioral Specification Based Runtime Monitors for OSGi Services. Jan Olaf Blech, Yli`es Falcone, Harald Rueß, and Bernhard Schätz -- Modelling and Decentralised Runtime Control of Self-stabilising Power -- Micro Grids. Arnd Hartmanns and Holger Hermanns -- Model-Based Testing and Model Inference. Karl Meinke and Neil Walkinshaw -- Algorithmic Improvements on Regular Inference of Software Models -- and Perspectives for Security Testing. Roland Groz, Muhammad-Naeem Irfan, and Catherine Oriat -- Test-Case Design by Feature Trees. Takashi Kitamura, Ngoc Thi Bich Do, Hitoshi Ohsaki, -- Ling Fang, and Shunsuke Yatabe -- Model-Based Static Code Analysis for MATLAB Models. Zheng Lu and Supratik Mukhopadhyay -- An Incremental Learning Algorithm for Extended Mealy Automata. Karl Meinke and Fei Niu -- Learning Techniques for Software Verification and Validation. Corina S. P˘as˘areanu and Mihaela Bobaru -- Learning Stochastic Timed Automata from Sample Executions. André de Matos Pedro, Paul Andrew Crocker, and -- Sim˜ao Melo de Sousa -- Learning Minimal Deterministic Automata from Inexperienced -- Teachers. Martin Leucker and Daniel Neider -- Model Learning and Test Generation for Event-B Decomposition. Ionut Dinca, Florentin Ipate, and Alin Stefanescu -- Inferring Semantic Interfaces of Data Structures. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Bernhard Steffen, Oliver Bauer, and -- Bengt Jonsson -- Learning-Based Test Programming for Programmers. Alex Groce, Alan Fern, Martin Erwig, Jervis Pinto, -- Tim Bauer, and Amin Alipour -- LearnLib Tutorial: From Finite Automata to Register Interface -- Programs. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Maik Merten, and Bernhard Steffen -- Automated Learning Setups in Automata Learning. Maik Merten, Malte Isberner, Falk Howar, Bernhard Steffen, and -- Tiziana Margaria -- The RERS Grey-Box Challenge 2012: -- Analysis of Event-Condition-Action Systems. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Maik Merten, Bernhard Steffen, and -- Dirk Beyer -- Linux Driver Verification (Position Paper). Dirk Beyer and Alexander K. Petrenko -- Bioscientific Data Processing and Modeling. Joost Kok, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Fons J. Verbeek, and -- Mark D. Wilkinson -- Using Multiobjective Optimization and Energy Minimization to Design -- an Isoform-Selective Ligand of the 14-3-3 Protein. Hernando Sanchez-Faddeev, Michael T.M. Emmerich, -- Fons J. Verbeek, Andrew H. Henry, Simon Grimshaw, -- Herman P. Spaink, Herman W. van Vlijmen, and Andreas Bender -- . -- Segmentation for High-Throughput Image Analysis: Watershed Masked -- Clustering. Kuan Yan and Fons J. Verbeek -- Efficient and Robust Shape Retrieval from Deformable Templates. Alexander E. Nezhinsky and Fons J. Verbeek -- OWL-DL Domain-Models as Abstract Workflows. Ian Wood, Ben Vandervalk, Luke McCarthy, and Mark D. Wilkinson -- Processes and Data Integration in the Networked Healthcare. Andrea Braun von Reinersdorff, Tiziana Margaria, and -- Christoph Rasche -- Simple Modeling of Executable Role-Based Workflows: An Application -- in the Healthcare Domain. Tiziana Margaria, Steve Boßelmann, and Bertold Kujath -- Considerations for Healthcare Applications in a Platform as a Service -- Environment. Andreas Holubek and Christian Metzger -- Reha-Sports: The Challenge of Small Margin Healthcare Accounting. Markus Doedt, Thomas G¨oke, Jan Pardo, and Bernhard Steffen -- Timing Constraints: Theory Meets Practice. Björn Lisper, Johan Nordlander, and Sophie Quinton -- A Simple and Flexible Timing Constraint Logic. Björn Lisper and Johan Nordlander -- Generalized Weakly-Hard Constraints. Sophie Quinton and Rolf Ernst -- Modeling a BSG-E Automotive System with the Timing Augmented -- Description Language. Marie-Agn`es Peraldi-Frati, Arda Goknil, Morayo Adedjouma, and -- Pierre Yves Gueguen -- Formal Analysis of TESLA Protocol in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ -- Method. Iakovos Ouranos, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Petros Stefaneas -- Formal Specification and Verification of Task Time Constraints for -- Real-Time Systems. Ning Ge, Marc Pantel, and Xavier Crégut -- The WCET Analysis Tool CalcWcet167.Raimund Kirner -- Abstract Execution for Event-Driven Systems – An Application from -- Automotive/Infotainment Development. Klaus Birken -- Formal Methods for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Alessandro Fantechi, Francesco Flammini, and Stefania Gnesi -- Model-Driven V&V Processes for Computer Based Control Systems: -- A Unifying Perspective. Francesco Flammini, Stefano Marrone, Nicola Mazzocca, -- Roberto Nardone, and Valeria Vittorini -- Formal Methods in Avionic Software Certification: The DO-178C -- Perspective. Gabriella Gigante and Domenico Pascarella -- Product Line Engineering Applied to CBTC Systems Development. Alessio Ferrari, Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo, Giacomo Martelli, and -- Simone Menabeni -- Improving Verification Process in Driverless Metro Systems: The -- MBAT Project. Stefano Marrone, Roberto Nardone, Antonio Orazzo, -- Ida Petrone, and Luigi Velardi -- Optimising Ordering Strategies for Symbolic Model Checking of -- Railway Interlockings. Kirsten Winter -- Automated Generation of Safety Requirements from Railway -- Interlocking Tables. Anne E. Haxthausen -- Distributing the Challenge of Model Checking Interlocking Control -- Tables. Alessandro Fantechi -- Quantitative Modelling and Analysis. Joost-Pieter Katoen and Kim Guldstrand Larsen -- Schedulability of Herschel-P
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Adaptable and Evolving Software for Eternal -- Systems (Track Summary). Reiner Hähnle and Ina Schaefer -- Challenges in Defining a Programming Language for Provably Correct -- Dynamic Analyses. Eric Bodden, Andreas Follner, and Siegfried Rasthofer -- Eternal Embedded Software: Towards Innovation Experiment -- Systems. Jan Bosch and Ulrik Eklund -- A Liskov Principle for Delta-Oriented Programming. Reiner Hähnle and Ina Schaefer -- Scientific Workflows: Eternal Components, Changing Interfaces, -- Varying Compositions. Anna-Lena Lamprecht and Tiziana Margaria -- An Object Group-Based Component Model. Michaël Lienhardt, Mario Bravetti, and Davide Sangiorgi -- Automated Inference of Models for Black Box Systems Based on -- Interface Descriptions. Maik Merten, Falk Howar, Bernhard Steffen, -- Patrizio Pellicione, and Massimo Tivoli -- Model-Based Compatibility Checking of System Modifications. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, Christoph Feller, Ilham W. Kurnia, and -- Yannick Welsch -- A Generic Platform for Model-Based Regression Testing. Philipp Zech, Michael Felderer, Philipp Kalb, and Ruth Breu -- Approaches for Mastering Change. Ina Schaefer, Malte Lochau, and Martin Leucker -- A Formal Approach to Software Product Families. Martin Leucker and Daniel Thoma -- A Compositional Framework to Derive Product Line Behavioural -- Descriptions. Patrizia Asirelli, Maurice H. ter Beek, Alessandro Fantechi, and -- Stefania Gnesi -- Delta-Oriented Monitor Specification. Eric Bodden, Kevin Falzon, Ka I. Pun, and Volker Stolz -- Conflict Detection in Delta-Oriented Programming. Michaël Lienhardt and Dave Clarke -- Family-Based Analysis of Type Safety for Delta-Oriented Software -- Product Lines. Ferruccio Damiani and Ina Schaefer -- A Vision for Behavioural Model-Driven Validation of Software Product -- Lines. Xavier Devroey, Maxime Cordy, Gilles Perrouin, -- Eun-Young Kang, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, -- Axel Legay, and Benoit Baudry -- Parameterized Preorder Relations for Model-Based Testing of Software -- Product Lines. Malte Lochau and Jochen Kamischke -- SmartTies – Management of Safety-Critical Developments. Serge Autexier, Dominik Dietrich, Dieter Hutter, -- Christoph Lüth, and Christian Maeder -- Tracking Behavioral Constraints during Object-Oriented Software -- Evolution. Johan Dovland, Einar Broch Johnsen, and Ingrid Chieh Yu -- Towards the Verification of Adaptable Processes. Mario Bravetti, Cinzia Di Giusto, Jorge A. P´erez, and -- Gianluigi Zavattaro -- Runtime Verification: The Application Perspective. Yliés Falcone and Lenore D. Zuck -- What Does AI Have to Do with RV? (Extended Abstract). Klaus Havelund -- A Case for "Piggyback" Runtime Monitoring. Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Tremblay-Lessard -- A Unified Approach for Static and Runtime Verification: Framework -- and Applications. Wolfgang Ahrendt, Gordon J. Pace, and Gerardo Schneider -- Statistical Model Checking QoS Properties of Systems with SBIP. Saddek Bensalem, Marius Bozga, Benoit Delahaye, Cyrille Jegourel, -- Axel Legay, and Ayoub Nouri -- Monitoring Temporal Information Flow. Rayna Dimitrova, Bernd Finkbeiner, and Markus N. Rabe -- Dynamic Information-Flow Analysis for Multi-threaded Applications. Laurent Mounier and Emmanuel Sifakis -- Bounded-Interference Sequentialization for Testing Concurrent Programs. Niloofar Razavi, Azadeh Farzan, and Andreas Holzer -- Runtime Verification of Biological Systems. Alexandre David, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Axel Legay, -- Marius Mikuˇcionis, Danny Bøgsted Poulsen, and Sean Sedwards -- Behavioral Specification Based Runtime Monitors for OSGi Services. Jan Olaf Blech, Yli`es Falcone, Harald Rueß, and Bernhard Schätz -- Modelling and Decentralised Runtime Control of Self-stabilising Power -- Micro Grids. Arnd Hartmanns and Holger Hermanns -- Model-Based Testing and Model Inference. Karl Meinke and Neil Walkinshaw -- Algorithmic Improvements on Regular Inference of Software Models -- and Perspectives for Security Testing. Roland Groz, Muhammad-Naeem Irfan, and Catherine Oriat -- Test-Case Design by Feature Trees. Takashi Kitamura, Ngoc Thi Bich Do, Hitoshi Ohsaki, -- Ling Fang, and Shunsuke Yatabe -- Model-Based Static Code Analysis for MATLAB Models. Zheng Lu and Supratik Mukhopadhyay -- An Incremental Learning Algorithm for Extended Mealy Automata. Karl Meinke and Fei Niu -- Learning Techniques for Software Verification and Validation. Corina S. P˘as˘areanu and Mihaela Bobaru -- Learning Stochastic Timed Automata from Sample Executions. André de Matos Pedro, Paul Andrew Crocker, and -- Sim˜ao Melo de Sousa -- Learning Minimal Deterministic Automata from Inexperienced -- Teachers. Martin Leucker and Daniel Neider -- Model Learning and Test Generation for Event-B Decomposition. Ionut Dinca, Florentin Ipate, and Alin Stefanescu -- Inferring Semantic Interfaces of Data Structures. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Bernhard Steffen, Oliver Bauer, and -- Bengt Jonsson -- Learning-Based Test Programming for Programmers. Alex Groce, Alan Fern, Martin Erwig, Jervis Pinto, -- Tim Bauer, and Amin Alipour -- LearnLib Tutorial: From Finite Automata to Register Interface -- Programs. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Maik Merten, and Bernhard Steffen -- Automated Learning Setups in Automata Learning. Maik Merten, Malte Isberner, Falk Howar, Bernhard Steffen, and -- Tiziana Margaria -- The RERS Grey-Box Challenge 2012: -- Analysis of Event-Condition-Action Systems. Falk Howar, Malte Isberner, Maik Merten, Bernhard Steffen, and -- Dirk Beyer -- Linux Driver Verification (Position Paper). Dirk Beyer and Alexander K. Petrenko -- Bioscientific Data Processing and Modeling. Joost Kok, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Fons J. Verbeek, and -- Mark D. Wilkinson -- Using Multiobjective Optimization and Energy Minimization to Design -- an Isoform-Selective Ligand of the 14-3-3 Protein. Hernando Sanchez-Faddeev, Michael T.M. Emmerich, -- Fons J. Verbeek, Andrew H. Henry, Simon Grimshaw, -- Herman P. Spaink, Herman W. van Vlijmen, and Andreas Bender -- . -- Segmentation for High-Throughput Image Analysis: Watershed Masked -- Clustering. Kuan Yan and Fons J. Verbeek -- Efficient and Robust Shape Retrieval from Deformable Templates. Alexander E. Nezhinsky and Fons J. Verbeek -- OWL-DL Domain-Models as Abstract Workflows. Ian Wood, Ben Vandervalk, Luke McCarthy, and Mark D. Wilkinson -- Processes and Data Integration in the Networked Healthcare. Andrea Braun von Reinersdorff, Tiziana Margaria, and -- Christoph Rasche -- Simple Modeling of Executable Role-Based Workflows: An Application -- in the Healthcare Domain. Tiziana Margaria, Steve Boßelmann, and Bertold Kujath -- Considerations for Healthcare Applications in a Platform as a Service -- Environment. Andreas Holubek and Christian Metzger -- Reha-Sports: The Challenge of Small Margin Healthcare Accounting. Markus Doedt, Thomas G¨oke, Jan Pardo, and Bernhard Steffen -- Timing Constraints: Theory Meets Practice. Björn Lisper, Johan Nordlander, and Sophie Quinton -- A Simple and Flexible Timing Constraint Logic. Björn Lisper and Johan Nordlander -- Generalized Weakly-Hard Constraints. Sophie Quinton and Rolf Ernst -- Modeling a BSG-E Automotive System with the Timing Augmented -- Description Language. Marie-Agn`es Peraldi-Frati, Arda Goknil, Morayo Adedjouma, and -- Pierre Yves Gueguen -- Formal Analysis of TESLA Protocol in the Timed OTS/CafeOBJ -- Method. Iakovos Ouranos, Kazuhiro Ogata, and Petros Stefaneas -- Formal Specification and Verification of Task Time Constraints for -- Real-Time Systems. Ning Ge, Marc Pantel, and Xavier Crégut -- The WCET Analysis Tool CalcWcet167.Raimund Kirner -- Abstract Execution for Event-Driven Systems – An Application from -- Automotive/Infotainment Development. Klaus Birken -- Formal Methods for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Alessandro Fantechi, Francesco Flammini, and Stefania Gnesi -- Model-Driven V&V Processes for Computer Based Control Systems: -- A Unifying Perspective. Francesco Flammini, Stefano Marrone, Nicola Mazzocca, -- Roberto Nardone, and Valeria Vittorini -- Formal Methods in Avionic Software Certification: The DO-178C -- Perspective. Gabriella Gigante and Domenico Pascarella -- Product Line Engineering Applied to CBTC Systems Development. Alessio Ferrari, Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo, Giacomo Martelli, and -- Simone Menabeni -- Improving Verification Process in Driverless Metro Systems: The -- MBAT Project. Stefano Marrone, Roberto Nardone, Antonio Orazzo, -- Ida Petrone, and Luigi Velardi -- Optimising Ordering Strategies for Symbolic Model Checking of -- Railway Interlockings. Kirsten Winter -- Automated Generation of Safety Requirements from Railway -- Interlocking Tables. Anne E. Haxthausen -- Distributing the Challenge of Model Checking Interlocking Control -- Tables. Alessandro Fantechi -- Quantitative Modelling and Analysis. Joost-Pieter Katoen and Kim Guldstrand Larsen -- Schedulability of Herschel-P

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