Process-service interactions using a SOA-BPM-based methodology

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (660,5 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: Reducing the gap between the definition, modeling and management of business definition, modeling and management of business processes and the realization of the main processes functions through software services requires a methodological approach. Addressing such gap, this paper focuses on the interactions between the activities of a business process and the functionality provided by software services. It presents a meta-model to formally specify such interactions. The proposed meta-model is instantiated through a case study. Lessons learnt through the development of an example were used to define a graphic editor prototype, as an automated tool for managing interactions between business processes and software services. The proposed approach enables the alternative application of top-down and bottom-up analysis techniques for modeling processes and services, and assists developers with an integrated tool for modeling business processes and software services in a seamlessly combined way.
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Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

Reducing the gap between the definition, modeling and management of business definition, modeling and management of business processes and the realization of the main processes functions through software services requires a methodological approach. Addressing such gap, this paper focuses on the interactions between the activities of a business process and the functionality provided by software services. It presents a meta-model to formally specify such interactions. The proposed meta-model is instantiated through a case study. Lessons learnt through the development of an example were used to define a graphic editor prototype, as an automated tool for managing interactions between business processes and software services. The proposed approach enables the alternative application of top-down and bottom-up analysis techniques for modeling processes and services, and assists developers with an integrated tool for modeling business processes and software services in a seamlessly combined way.

Computer Science Society (SCCC) International Conference of the Chilean (30º : 2011, nov.,9-11 : Curicó, Chile). IEEE, 2011, pp. 100-107.