A pattern-based approach to mobile information systems conceptual architecture

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (296,4 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: As mobile access to information becomes a common trend in most commercial and corporate information systems, new software engineering challenges arise. While the most visible problems in mobile systems are the communication infrastructure and technical constraints of portable devices, there are also conceptual architecture issues that must be properly addressed. This paper describes our work in progress towards categorizing and ana- lyzing conceptual architectures for mobile information systems. We have defined the basics of a domain-specific architectural pattern catalog for this domain, and mined several patterns from existing, well-known sys- tems. Our approach does not concentrate on the technical issues, but rather on identifying those architectures that better fit business goals regarding mobility. Our goals are twofold. First, we aim to build a catalog of architectural solutions proven successful in industrial practice. On the other hand, we want to define a high-level, common-language to describe mobile archi- tectural solutions.
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As mobile access to information becomes a common trend in most commercial and corporate information systems, new software engineering challenges arise. While the most visible problems in mobile systems are the communication infrastructure and technical constraints of portable devices, there are also conceptual architecture issues that must be properly addressed. This paper describes our work in progress towards categorizing and ana- lyzing conceptual architectures for mobile information systems. We have defined the basics of a domain-specific architectural pattern catalog for this domain, and mined several patterns from existing, well-known sys- tems. Our approach does not concentrate on the technical issues, but rather on identifying those architectures that better fit business goals regarding mobility. Our goals are twofold. First, we aim to build a catalog of architectural solutions proven successful in industrial practice. On the other hand, we want to define a high-level, common-language to describe mobile archi- tectural solutions.

ER 2002 Workshops, ECDM, MobIMod, IWCMQ, and eCOMO, Tampere, Finland (2002, oct. 7-11 : Tampere, Finlandia).Proceeding. Berlin : Springer 2003 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2784), pp. 159-172.