Contents: 1. History and standards -- 2. Fundamental concepts -- 3. SYSTEM programming concepts -- 4. File I/O: the universal I/O model -- 5. File I/O: further details -- 6. Processes -- 7. memory allocation -- 8. Users and groups -- 9. Process credentials -- 10. Time -- 11. System limits and options -- 12. System and process information -- 13. File I/O buffering -- 14. File systems -- 15. File attributes -- 16. Extended attributes -- 17. Access control lists -- 18. Directories and links -- 19. Monitoring file events -- 20. Signals: fundamental concepts -- 21. Signals: signal handlers -- 22. Signals: advanced features -- 23. Timers and sleeping -- 24. Process creation -- 25. Process termination -- 26. Monitoring child processes -- 27. Program execution -- 28. Process creation and program execution in more detail -- 29. Threads: introduction -- 30. Threads: thread synchronization -- 31. Threads: thread safety and per-thread storage -- 32. Threads: thread cancellation -- 33. Threads: further details -- 34. Process groups, sessions, and job control -- 35. Process priorities and scheduling -- 36. Process resources -- 37. Daemons -- 38. Writing secure privileged programs -- 39. Capabilities -- 40. Login accounting -- 41. Fundamentals of shared libraries -- 42. Advanced features of shared libraries -- 43. Interprocess communication overview -- 44. Pipes and FIFOs -- 45. Introduction to system V IPC -- 46. System V message queues -- 47. System V semaphores -- 48. System V shared memory -- 49. Memory mappings -- 50. Virtual memory operations -- 51. Introduction to POSIX IPC -- 52. POSIX message queues -- 53. POSIX semaphores -- 54. POSIX shared memory -- 55. File locking -- 56. Sockets: introduction -- 57. Sockets: unix domain -- 58. Sockets: fundamentals of TCP/IP networks -- 59. Sockets: internet domains -- 60. Sockets: server design -- 61. Sockets: advanced topics -- 62. Terminals -- 63. Alternative I/O models -- 64. Pseudoterminals -- Appendix A. Tracing system calls -- Appendix B. Parsing command-line options -- Appendix C. Casting the NULL pointer -- Appendix D. Kernel configuration -- Appendix E. Further sources of information -- Appendix F. Solutions to selected exercises -- Bibliography -- Index