Learning objects : how to insert an element into a vector?

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (312,6 kB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: This article introduces the process carried out for creating two Learning Objects (LOs) linked to the operation of inserting an element into a vector, in Pascal. It starts with the motivation to attend a concrete educational need in relation to the learning of the topic in initial Programming courses. To this end, the development of complementary educational materials is proposed. The decision to create LOs is mainly based on the reutilization and autonomy features offered by LOs, which set them apart from other educational materials types. To create the LOs, the CROA Methodology is used. Finally, a first evaluation of the LOs in which educators are involved is carried out.
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Formato de archivo PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

This article introduces the process carried out for creating two Learning Objects (LOs) linked to the operation of inserting an element into a vector, in Pascal. It starts with the motivation to attend a concrete educational need in relation to the learning of the topic in initial Programming courses. To this end, the development of complementary educational materials is proposed. The decision to create LOs is mainly based on the reutilization and autonomy features offered by LOs, which set them apart from other educational materials types. To create the LOs, the CROA Methodology is used. Finally, a first evaluation of the LOs in which educators are involved is carried out.

Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (12da : 2017 : La Plata, Argentina)