Early experiences migrating CUDA codes to oneAPI

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleDescription: 1 archivo (1,0 MB)Subject(s): Online resources: Summary: The heterogeneous computing paradigm represents a real programming challenge due to the proliferation of devices with different hardware characteristics. Recently Intel introduced oneAPI, a new programming environment that allows code developed in DPC++ to be run on different devices such as CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, among others. This paper presents our first experiences in porting two CUDA applications to DPC++ using the oneAPI dpct tool. From the experimental work, it was possible to verify that dpct does not achieve 100% of the migration task; however, it performs most of the work, reporting the programmer of possible pending adaptations. Additionally, it was possible to verify the functional portability of the DPC++ code obtained, having successfully executed it on different CPU and GPU architectures.
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Formato de archivo PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca)

The heterogeneous computing paradigm represents a real programming challenge due to the proliferation of devices with different hardware characteristics. Recently Intel introduced oneAPI, a new programming environment that allows code developed in DPC++ to be run on different devices such as CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, among others. This paper presents our first experiences in porting two CUDA applications to DPC++ using the oneAPI dpct tool. From the experimental work, it was possible to verify that dpct does not achieve 100% of the migration task; however, it performs most of the work, reporting the programmer of possible pending adaptations. Additionally, it was possible to verify the functional portability of the DPC++ code obtained, having successfully executed it on different CPU and GPU architectures.

Jornadas de Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics (9na : 2021 : La Plata, Argentina)