Contents: 1. Introduction to computers and programming -- 2. Introducing algorithms: Adventures of the spider -- 3. Introduction to straight-line programs -- 4. Problem solving and using packages -- 5. Decision statements: Writing functions and packages -- 6. Counting loops: Subtypes -- 7. Other loop forms: Procedures; Exception handling -- 8. Scalar data types; the CASE statement -- 9. Composite types: Records and arrays -- 10. Strings and files -- 11. Programming with objects: Abstract data types -- 12. Introduction to unconstrained array types and generics -- 13. Multidimensional arrays and variants records -- 14. Recursion -- 15. Access types and dynamic data structures -- 16. Programming with objects: Tagged record types -- 17. Introduction to concurrent programming -- App. A: High-resolution color graphics -- App. B: The Ada character set, delimiters, and reserved words -- App. C: Ada's predefined environment: Package standard -- App. D: Specification of the package Ada.Text_IO -- App. E: Specifications of the Ada Math Libraries -- App. F: Summary of Ada execution-time exceptions.