TY - GEN AU - Medel,Ricardo H. AU - Bonelli,Eduardo AU - Compagnoni,Adriana TI - Non-interference for a typed assembly language T2 - ^p Datos electrónicos (1 archivo : 152 KB) KW - SISTEMAS OPERATIVOS KW - CONTROL DE FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN KW - SEGURIDAD Y PROTECCIÓN KW - LENGUAJE ENSAMBLADOR N1 - Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática-UNLP (Colección BIPA / Biblioteca.) -- Disponible también en línea (Cons. 12-03-2008); Foundations of Computer Security International Workshop, satellite event of LICS05, IEEE Computer Society, June 2005 N2 - Non-interference is a desirable property of systems in a multilevel security architecture, stating that confidential information is not disclosed in public output. The challenge of studying information flow for assembly languages is that the control flow constructs that guide the analysis in high-level languages are not present. To address this problem, we define a typed assembly language that uses pseudo-instructions to impose a stack discipline on the control flow of programs. We develop a type system for checking that assembly programs enjoy non-interference and its proof of soundness UR - www.lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar/papers/2005/Bonelli2005b.pdf ER -