TY - GEN AU - Pons,Claudia Fabiana AU - Baum,Gabriel Alfredo AU - Giandini,Roxana Silvia TI - Dependency relations between models in the unified process T2 - ^p Datos electrónicos (1 archivo : 691 KB) KW - PROCESO DE DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE KW - MODELADO DE SOFTWARE N1 - Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática-UNLP (Colección BIPA / Biblioteca.) -- Disponible también en línea (Cons. 11/03/2009); Tenth International Workshop on Software specification and Design (IWSSD), IEEE Computer Society Press. IEEE, November 2000 N2 - The goal of the Unified Process is to guide developers in efficiently implementing and deploying systems that meet customer needs. During the Unified Process, a variep of models of the system is developed. All these niodels are not independent, but they are related to each other. Elements in one model have trace dependencies to other models; they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. It is necessary to have a precise definition of the sintax and semantics of the different models and their relationships, since the lack of accuracy in their definition can lead to wrong model interpretations and inconsistency between models. In this paper we distinguish three different kinds of dependency relations between models and propose a formal description of them. The goal of the proposed formalization is to provide formal foundations for tools that petform intelligent analysis on models expressed in UML assisting sofrYvare engineers through the development process UR - ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/7166/19280/00891136.pdf ER -