TY - GEN AU - Urbieta,Mario Matías AU - Oliveira,Ana AU - Araujo,Joao AU - Rodrigues,Armanda AU - Moreira,Ana AU - Gordillo,Silvia Ethel AU - Rossi,Gustavo Héctor TI - Web-GIS models: accomplishing modularity with aspects KW - DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE ORIENTADO A ASPECTOS KW - SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA - GIS N1 - Formato de archivo: PDF. -- Este documento es producción intelectual de la Facultad de Informática - UNLP (Colección BIPA/Biblioteca); Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering,10(1), pp 59-75 N2 - Spatial concerns of Web geographical informa- tion systems (Web-GIS) are inherently crosscutting and volatile: crosscutting because they affect multiple function- alities of Web-GIS systems, and volatile because their status may change often. If these concerns are not modularized properly, the quality of Web-GIS services, particularly with regard to adaptation and evolution, can be severely compro- mised. This paper uses aspect-orientation to model crosscut- ting and volatile spatial concerns. By modeling both types of concerns, crosscutting and volatile, as candidate aspects, one can use dynamic weaving to add or remove them from a system at runtime. The aspect-oriented approach proposed starts with the identification and specification of crosscutting concerns and follows by composing these using modeling aspects using a transformation approach, an aspect-oriented modeling technique. The conflicts that can emerge due to the composition order are also taken into consideration. Finally, this paper proposes a set of reusable GIS crosscutting con- cerns, documenting them in a concern catalogue UR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11334-013-0206-y ER -