AU - O Connor,Joshue
TI - Pro HTML5 accessibility: building an inclusive web
SN - 9781430241942
PY - 2012///
CY - Nueva York
PB - Apress
N1 - Contiene índice; Introduction -- Chapter 1: Introduction to HTML5 Accessibility -- Introduction to HTML5: The new wave -- New elements -- HTML5: Accessibility and feature detection -- Legislation -- Dearling with change and diversity -- Whats are the benefits of accessibility -- Accessibility should enhance your design-not destroy it -- WCAG 2.0 and HTML -- The challenge of HTML5 accessibility -- Conclusion -- Chapter 2: Understanding Disability and Assistive Technology -- Understanding your users -- Overview of blindness -- Physical disability -- Cognitive and sensory disabilities -- What is assistive technology? -- Screen Magnification -- The accessibility overlap -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3: JavaScript Isn’t a Dirty Word, and ARIA Isn’t Just Beautiful Music -- JavaScript: Useful when used well -- WAI-ARIA: What is it? -- Accessible JavaScript -- Conclusion -- Chapter 4: API and DOM -- Defining the element under the hood of assistive technologies -- The off-screen model (OSM) -- Whats is the DOM? -- Conclusion -- Chapter 5: HTML5: The New Semantics and New Approaches to Document Markup -- HTML5: What's new? -- Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Images, Rich Media, Audio, and Video in HTML5 -- Making images accessible -- What should describe? -- Different kinds of images -- Which method should use? -- HTML5 and accessible video and audio -- Audio description and captioning whith the track element -- Conclusion -- Chapter 7: HTML5 and Accessible Data Tables -- The trouble with tables -- Conclusion -- Chapter 8: HTML5 and Accessible Forms -- Designig an accessible form user interface -- Conclusion -- -- Chapter 9: HTML5, Usability, and User-Centered Design -- What is usability? -- Universal design -- Participatory design -- Focus group research -- Survey -- The cognitive walkthroug -- Expert evaluation -- Expert accessibility audits -- Using personas -- Field studies -- Traditional usability testing -- User testing withpeople with disabilities -- So what's the best method for me to assess My HTML5 project? -- Is usability the new economics? -- Conclusion -- Chapter 10: Tools, Tips, and Tricks: Assessing Your Accessible HTML5 -- Useful tools for developers -- Validation -- Simulation exercises -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: WCAG 2.0 Client-Side Scripting Techniques -- Appendix B: Definition of WAI-ARIA Roles -- Index
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