TY - BOOK AU - Martín,Adriana Elba TI - Engineering accessible web applications: an aspect-oriented approach SN - 9789871985289 PY - 2014/// CY - La Plata PB - Edulp KW - ACCESIBILIDAD WEB KW - DESARROLLO DE SOFTWARE ORIENTADO A ASPECTOS N1 - Premio Dr. Raúl Gallard (Año 2013); 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1 Context and Motivation -- 1.2 Objectives -- 1.3 Research Context -- 1.4 Structure -- 2. ACCESSIBILITY WITHIN WE APPROACHES -- 2.1 Web Accessibility -- 2.2 Proposals for Developing Accessible Web Applications -- 2.2.1 Providing a Student of his/her Faculty Site -- 2.2.2 Automatic Annotations for Accessibility -- 2.2.3 Rules for an Accessible Composition -- 2.2.4 Adaptation to tackle Crosscutting Concerns -- 2.2.5 User Needs through Personas -- 2.2.6 Model-Driven Development with AWA -- 3. BACKGROUND OF OUR PROPOSAL -- 3.1 Introducing the Basis -- 3.2 Aspect-Oriented Composition -- 3.2.1 Aspectual Implementations: Advices and Pointcuts -- 3.3 Reference Frameworks and Ontologies -- 3.3.1 Design Decisions within a User Interface Framework -- 3.3.2 An Ontology to share Abstract Interface Vocabulary -- 3.4 User Interaction Diagrams -- 3.5 Softgoals Interdependency Graphs -- 3.6 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Documents -- 4. AN APPROACH FOR ENGINEERING ACCESSIBLE WEB APPLICACTIONS -- 4.1 Our Approach in a Nutshell -- 4.2 Identifying Application’s Requirements that Involve Accessibility Needs. -- 4.3 Specifying Accessibility Concrete Concerns -- 4.3.1 Using UIDs with Integration Points Technique -- 4.3.2 Applying the SIG Template -- 4.4 Discovering Crosscutting and Applying Aspects -- 4.5 Designing with Accessible Interface Widgets -- 4.5.1 A Mapping between Onlology Concepts and HTML Elements -- 4.5.2 Association between Ontology Concepts-HTML Elements-WCAG Checkpoints -- 5. APPLYING OUR PROPOSAL -- 5.1 A Case Study -- 5.2 Our Proposal Step-by-Step on the Field -- 5.3 A Supporting Tool for Our Proposal -- 5.3.1 Architecture’s Overview: Layers and Classes -- 5.3.2 Tool’s Resources: XML Schemas and Specifications -- 5.3.3 Tool’s User Interfaces -- 5.3.4 Some Insights about the Tool -- 6. COMPARING OUR PROPOSAL -- 6.1 Comparison Criteria -- 6.2 Discussion -- 6.3 Focusing on Ours -- 6.3.1 Migrating to WCAG 2.0 -- 7. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK -- 7.1 Conclusions. -- 7.2 Future Work -- 7.3 Publications related to this Thesis -- 7.3.1 Journals -- 7.3.2 Book Chapters -- 7.3.3 International Conferences -- 7.3.4 National Conferences -- 7.4 Other related Publications -- 7.4.1 International Conferences -- 7.4.2 National Conferences -- APPENDIX I – WCAG 1.0 -- APPENDIX II – WCAG 2.0 -- REFERENCES; Tesis doctoral en Ciencias Informáticas - Tesis Doctoral en Ciencias Informáticas - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Facultad de Informática, 2011 ER -